Aviation Books > Avro Lancaster: Wingleader Photo Archive Number 18 *In Stock*
Avro Lancaster: Wingleader Photo Archive Number 18 *In Stock*

ISBN: 9781908757296
Publisher: Wingleader
Format: Paperback
Having covered the wartime Mk.I and III in the previous two books, this third book completes the Lancaster’s wartime career* by looking at the other Mks that flew with RAF Bomber Command. These other Mks are the radial engined Mk.II, the Canadian built Mk.X, the experimental Mk.VI, the Dambusters’ Type 464 and the Grand Slam carrying B.I (Special). Produced in smaller numbers for various reasons, these Mks rarely get a lot of coverage in mainstream books so we’ve tried to do them justice in this volume.
Again it’s our absolute pleasure to introduce a new author to the series. A professional aircraft engineer and the son of a wartime Lancaster pilot, Peter Allam is a Lancaster expert in every sense of the word, and his in-depth knowledge was really needed with this one to pull out details on these lesser known examples.
As with all the books in this series, we’ve enhanced the photos to pull out the shadow detail and have added arrows and letters to identify points of interest.
This book contains approx 120 original wartime/pre-war photos and 6 in-depth colour profiles.
*We will produce a fourth wartime Lancaster volume covering fuselage interiors, equipment, bombs and flying clothing etc
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