Clock & Horology Books > Watch & Clock Making & Repairing *In Stock*

Watch & Clock Making & Repairing *In Stock*

Watch & Clock Making & Repairing *In Stock*

ISBN: 9780709049951

Author: W.J Gazeley

Publisher: Robert Hale

Format: Hardback

Price: AUD $37.95
RRP: AUD $49.95

First published in 1953, this authoritative work, which was based on a lifetime's practical experience, has been in continuous demand and is recognized as a classic work on the subject. Its great strength lies in the descriptions and principles of watch and clock construction in an easy-to-follow manner. The book opens with a description of the various tools and materials essential for good work; details are then given concerning the construction and repair of the various types of movement, trains, motion work and gearing, the various forms of escapement, keyless mechanisms, balances and balance springs, pendulums, striking and repeating mechanisms, calendars, chronograph work and chronometers. The subject of cleaning is given careful consideration, while filing and turning, the two most important operations in watch and clock making, are given special attention. The construction of specialist tools for repair work, many of which were designed by the author, is explained in some detail and illustrated by working drawings. In addition, an appendix lists the various causes of failure and bad time-keeping.

Book Title: Watch & Clock Making & Repairing *In Stock*
Author: W.J Gazeley
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9780709049951
About the Author: The late W.J. Gazeley was a highly respected craftsman. His book Clock and Watch Escapements is also published by Robert Hale.
Publisher: Robert Hale
Title Release: January 1993

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