Aviation Books > Wings of the Luftwaffe: Flying German Aircraft of World War II (Revised Edition)

Wings of the Luftwaffe: Flying German Aircraft of World War II (Revised Edition)

Wings of the Luftwaffe: Flying German Aircraft of World War II (Revised Edition)

ISBN: 9781902109152

Author: Eric Brown

Publisher: Hikoki

Format: Hardback

Price: AUD $69.00
RRP: AUD $89.95
From his unique knowledge of German aviation, Winkle Brown has selected the most important and most promising aircraft employed by the Luftwaffe and those evolved for that air arm in Germany during World War II the true wings of the Luftwaffe. He describes their background and characteristics, and together with more than 200 photographs, color profiles, and sectional drawings provides an in-depth assessment of the contribution made to the annals of military aviation in the late 1930s and early 1940s by an aircraft industry that proved itself truly second to none in ingenuity.
Book Title: Wings of the Luftwaffe: Flying German Aircraft of World War II (Revised Edition)
Author: Eric Brown
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9781902109152
Condition: NEW
Publisher: Hikoki
Title Release: April 2022

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