Body, Mind, Spirit / Paranormal / Witchcraft > Way into Faerie *In Stock*

Way into Faerie *In Stock*

Way into Faerie *In Stock*

ISBN: 9780719813566

Author: Rae Beth

Publisher: Robert Hale

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $17.95
RRP: AUD $22.95

The spirituality of a fey person may be quite anarchic and entirely private, having no basis in any organised religion. So it can be a secret spirituality that informs the fey type and this may be largely experiential. It has often been perceived as a threat by people who like ideas to be tied down and under control, and by the organisations that such people have created. Meanwhile, in much of today's world, fey people have been throughly marginalized. In this book, Rae Beth suggests ways in which we might understand Otherworldly realities without abandoning commonsense. Drawing upon her knowledge of traditional faerie lore, she shows how fey perceptions and psychic skills can serve and enhance life.

Book Title: Way into Faerie *In Stock*
Author: Rae Beth
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780719813566
About the Author: Rae Beth is a hedge witch and wildwood mystic. Her books on natural magic and spirituality are widely acclaimed, and she is regarded as an authority on witchcraft. She aims to assist people to meet with spirits and the faerie realms. Rae is a psychic counsellor, and her best-selling works include The Hedge Witch, The Hedge Witch's Way and Spellcraft for Hedge Witches.
Publisher: Robert Hale
Title Release: April 2017

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