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Hedge Witch: A Guide To Solitary Witchcraft *In Stock*

Hedge Witch: A Guide To Solitary Witchcraft *In Stock*

ISBN: 9780709048510

Author: Rae Beth

Publisher: Robert Hale

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $11.95
RRP: AUD $15.95

Written in the form of letters from an experienced witch to her two apprentices, solitary witchcraft is offered, not as a substitute for coven worship, but as a fulfilling lifestyle in its own right. This book provides spells for all the key festivals of the witch's calendar - describing the therapeutic powers of trancework and herbalism and outlining the Pagan approach to finding a partner. Her lyrical letters, accompanied by pen-and-ink sketches, bring the reader to an understanding of the solitary witch's lifestyle and beliefs.

Book Title: Hedge Witch: A Guide To Solitary Witchcraft *In Stock*
Author: Rae Beth
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780709048510
About the Author: Rae Beth has been studying Pagan traditions and woman's mysteries for many years. Her interest grew when her involvement with the women's movement and her work as an astrologer and tarot consultant converged in Goddess spirituality. She became a self-initiated witch in 1978, perceiving the role of witch as a poetic symbol of women's psychic ideals, such as a reverence for the Earth. Later she also came to understand the role of the male witch, as present-day shaman and brother to the wise woman or witch priestess. Born a schoolteacher's daughter, she was once a student teacher herself, specializing in English literature. She now writes magical poetry. An active environmentalist, Rae Beth lives just outside Bath, where she enjoys country walks, and is married with two children.
Publisher: Robert Hale

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