Equestrian > Principles of Farriery

Principles of Farriery

Principles of Farriery

ISBN: 9780851319735

Author: Chris Colles

Publisher: J A Allen

Format: Hardback

Price: AUD $129.00

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Suitable for trainee and working farriers, this manual starts with a brief history of farriery, then looks at the legalities of the job and how to control equines for trimming and shoeing. It includes photos and explanatory line drawings to explain shoe making, surgical shoes, lameness and shoeing.

Book Title: Principles of Farriery
Author: Chris Colles
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9780851319735
About the Author: Dr Chris Colles is a highly regarded equine veterinary surgeon based in Warwickshire. He has had over thirty papers published in journals, contributed to several veterinary books, and delivered numerous lectures to learned societies around the world. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers, an accolade rarely bestowed on those outside the farriery profession. Ron Ware is a Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers. Well-respected in his field, he was consultant farrier to the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket and the Hong Kong Jockey Club, and has specialised in remedial and surgical shoeing.
Publisher: J A Allen
Title Release: November 2010

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