Road Transport Books > Olympic Summer: Transport For London In 1948 *Limited Availability* *In Stock*

Olympic Summer: Transport For London In 1948 *Limited Availability* *In Stock*

Olympic Summer: Transport For London In 1948 *Limited Availability* *In Stock*

ISBN: 9780711033092

Author: Paul Collins

Format: HB

Price: AUD $31.95
RRP: AUD $39.95
In 1948 London played host to the first post-World War 2 Olympics; in an era of rationing and austerity, the miracle was not only that the Games took place but that they were remarkably successful and attracted many visitors to
Book Title: Olympic Summer: Transport For London In 1948 *Limited Availability* *In Stock*
Author: Paul Collins
Format: HB
ISBN: 9780711033092
Condition: New

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