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Unknown Warrior (Australian Title)

Unknown Warrior (Australian Title)

ISBN: 9781921875748

Author: Mark Rosel

Publisher: Arcadia

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $27.95
RRP: AUD $34.95

Captain Alec Little was Australia’s greatest fighter Ace. Highly decorated and credited with 47 victories, he was only 22 when he died in his Sopwith Camel in a solo night pursuit of German bombers above the Western Front on 27 May 1918.

In this biography—the first of a  hero who is unknown to many Australians—Melbourne writer Mark Rosel resurrects the unyielding combat pilot whose lethal marksmanship, reckless bravery, dedication to flying and astonishing luck led him to significant military fame and recognition.

Book Title: Unknown Warrior (Australian Title)
Author: Mark Rosel
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781921875748
Publisher: Arcadia

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