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Military Aircraft Markings 2023 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

Military Aircraft Markings 2023 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

ISBN: 9781800352704

Author: Stuart Schofield

Publisher: Crecy

Format: Hardback

Price: AUD $24.95
RRP: AUD $32.95

First published in the 1970s, Military Aircraft Markings has become an indispensable annual publication for aircraft enthusiasts, historians and students of military aviation. At the heart of Military Aircraft Markings is the most complete listing of all the aircraft of the UK Armed Forces; the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Army and associated units. For each entry the military serial, aircraft type, unit/operator and usual base are given.

Further listings cover Ireland's military aircraft and historic aircraft in military markings. Other sections of Military Aircraft Markings include American military aircraft based in Europe, overseas military aircraft which may be seen in the UK, unit markings and a unit serial number/letter de-code. In addition, the book provides a comprehensive listing of visiting aircraft from overseas air forces that may be seen during the air display season, together with a new full colour photo section.

Also included are details of the UK's main military air bases, a maintenance of unit-cross reference and detailed RAF Squadron markings. This new 2023 edition of Military Aircraft Markings has been fully revised and updated by one of Britain's leading authorities on military aviation. This is the must-have companion for all those interested in UK military aviation.

Book Title: Military Aircraft Markings 2023 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Author: Stuart Schofield
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9781800352704
Condition: New
Publisher: Crecy
Title Release: April 2023

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