Railway Books > Southern Way Special Issue 13
Southern Way Special Issue 13
ISBN: 9781909328587
Publisher: Crecy
Format: Paperback
Price: AUD $32.95
RRP: AUD $42.96
Accidents and incidents continue to enthral and this new book in the ‘Southern Way SPECIAL’ series takes a further look at those, mainly but not exclusively within the British Railways period. Illustrations and descriptions of ‘what went wrong’ lean heavily towards the South Eastern lines, and David Monk-Steele, a former BR Manager, combines a varied collection of images with informative text to provide an insight into this absorbing subject.
Book Title: Southern Way Special Issue 13
Author: David Monk-Steele
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781909328587
Publisher: Crecy
Title Release: March 2017
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