Railway Books > Southern Way Issue 31
Southern Way Issue 31
ISBN: 9781909328341
Publisher: Noodle Books
Format: Paperback, 116 Pages
Price: AUD $26.95
RRP: AUD $36.95
This July sees the publication of the next issue of the Southern Way series, No 31. Already set to be included are some off-beat and off-the-wall articles covering some interesting Southern topics, including carriage roof-boards for example.
More normal perhaps is the continuing coverage of the 'old' railway, including Ringwood goods yard, more on Southampton, electric gates at Mount Pleasant, and the story of the 'Q' class.
Plus, there is the usual multifarious mixture of steam, infrastructure, reminiscences and what can only be described as the downright unusual.
Book Title: Southern Way Issue 31
Format: Paperback, 116 Pages
ISBN: 9781909328341
Publisher: Noodle Books
Title Release: September 2015
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