Aviation Books > Luftwaffe Aces - Biographies & Victory Claims V.1 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Luftwaffe Aces - Biographies & Victory Claims V.1 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

ISBN: 9781906592189
Publisher: Wing Leader
Format: Paperback
Volume One of this long awaited series covering every Luftwaffe pilot who claimed five or more victories during WWII. Volume One covers surnames from A-F inclusive.
The result of two lifetime’s research by acknowledged experts Johannes Mathews and John Foreman, this remarkable four-volume set, totalling over 1,500 pages, includes over 2500 Luftwaffe pilots and is the most exhaustive work on the subject ever published.
Each Luftwaffe fighter pilot who claimed five victories or more is featured along with his biographic details and a record of each and every known claim.
The authors have chosen to return as far as possible to primary sources, principally the listings on microfilms discovered at Bundesarchiv Militararchiv in Germany and various unit war diaries. No published works have been used as primary sources as many books have been based upon ‘recycled’ and inaccurate information.
Volume 1 A to F – 356 pages
Leutnant Hans Adam
Born on 12th March 1921, he flew in the east with II./JG51 from 1942, his unit moving to Tunisia later in the year. On 28th November 1942 he was wounded in combat with Spitfires, but managed to land his Bf109 safely back at base. In the summer of 1944 he flew with JGr.Ost and later with 3./EJG 1. On 12th March 1945 he was shot down by P-51s. He baled out of his Bf109 south of Styding, Germany, but his parachute failed to deploy, and he fell to his death. He is buried in Flensburg, Germany.
10.7.42 6./JG 51 Fw MiG-1 1215 E 1
6.8.42 6./JG 51 Lt Yak-1 15 km SE Subzow 1105 E 2
7.8.42 6./JG 51 Lt MiG-3 40 km SE Subzow 1835 E 3
12.8.42 6./JG 51 Lt MiG-1 20 km SW Kozelsk 0928 E 4
21.8.42 6./JG 51 Lt Il-2 Area of Perwoavgustbwskiy 1432 E 5
21.8.42 6./JG 51 Lt Il-2 20 km SE Mzensk 1445 E 6
27.11.42 4./JG 51 Lt Spitfire 10 km SE Beja 0915 A 7
1.1.43 4./JG 51 Lt Boston Tunisia 1142 A 8
23.1.43 4./JG 51 Lt P-38 30 km E Kebili 0930 A 9
5.10.43 2./JG 51 Lt Yak-9 Gorki 1415 E 10
7.8.44 3./EJGr.Ost Lt B-24 1146 W 11
Total Victories: 10 (7 East and 4 west including 1 four-engined bomber).
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