Aviation Books > RAF Bomber Losses In the Middle East & Mediterranean Vol 1: 1939-42 *In Stock* *Limited Availability*

RAF Bomber Losses In the Middle East & Mediterranean Vol 1: 1939-42 *In Stock* *Limited Availability*

RAF Bomber Losses In the Middle East & Mediterranean Vol 1: 1939-42 *In Stock*  *Limited Availability*

ISBN: 9781857802344

Author: David Gunby

Publisher: Midland

Price: AUD $26.95
RRP: AUD $36.95
Each entry is set out in the sequence of entries for a single day. Losses are recorded by unit and then within each unit by the serial number of the aircraft involved. The entries are accompanied by commentaries, which are provided at appropriate points. The number of losses recorded in this volume will be somewhere in the region of 1700. These will include aircraft from the RAF, South African Airforce, Free French Airforce, US Army Airforce, during the periods when these air arms were operating under direct RAF control.
Book Title: RAF Bomber Losses In the Middle East & Mediterranean Vol 1: 1939-42 *In Stock* *Limited Availability*
Author: David Gunby
ISBN: 9781857802344
Publisher: Midland

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