Aviation Books > Arrivals & Departures: North American Airlines 1990-2000 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

Arrivals & Departures: North American Airlines 1990-2000 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

Arrivals & Departures: North American Airlines 1990-2000 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

ISBN: 9781857802009

Author: Ohn Morton

Publisher: Midland

Price: AUD $29.95
RRP: AUD $45.00
This book is a photographic record, with extended captions, of new and departed North American airlines during the last decade of the 20th century. It is divided into three sections: Arrivals contains 32 airlines that commenced operations during the period and were still operational at the end of it; Arrivals and Departures features 21 carriers that came and went in the period; and Departures covers 28 airlines which had operated prior to 1990 and went out of business in the 90s. Includes famous names such as PanAm, Eastern, and Tower Air.
Book Title: Arrivals & Departures: North American Airlines 1990-2000 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Author: Ohn Morton
ISBN: 9781857802009
Publisher: Midland

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