Aviation Books > Hawker Tempest Mk V in RAF Service: Wingleader Photo Archive Number 29 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

Hawker Tempest Mk V in RAF Service: Wingleader Photo Archive Number 29 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

Hawker Tempest Mk V in RAF Service: Wingleader Photo Archive Number 29 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

ISBN: 9781908757425

Author: Chris Thomas

Publisher: Wingleader

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $39.95
RRP: AUD $49.95

An often requested subject, we are delighted to launch the Tempest V into the WPA series as one of the best RAF fighters of WW2.

Anyone not familiar with the Tempest might immediately ask why do the Mk V first instead of the earlier Mks, the answer to that of course is that only the Mk V saw active service during WW2, but you can read more detail in this book.

Once again we’re delighted to have Typhoon and Tempest expert Chris Thomas as author for this one. Not only has Chris covered the well known story of the Mk V, he has also managed to uncover some new information and photos which even the most committed Tempest enthusiast will find of interest.

As with all the books in this series, we’ve enhanced the photos to pull out the shadow detail and have added arrows and letters to identify points of interest.

‍This book contains approx 120 original wartime/post-war photos and 6 in-depth colour profiles.

Book Title: Hawker Tempest Mk V in RAF Service: Wingleader Photo Archive Number 29 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Author: Chris Thomas
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781908757425
About the Author: Raised in East Yorkshire Chris developed an early obsession with aviation, fed in the late 50s and early 60s by RAF Flying Review. That magazine popularised aircraft coloured ‘profiles’ which he admired and hoped to one day replicate. Family connection to the Hawker Typhoon and the dearth of publication information on the type led him to start his own researches with the aim of producing a book.
Meanwhile, he qualified as a civil ATCO, married and had two children (and now five grandchildren). For 20 years he worked at Heathrow and London ATCC which brought him within easy reach of all the essential research facilities.
After producing the Air-BrItain ‘Typhoon File’ he met established author Christopher Shores and together they wrote and illustrated a series on the Typhoon and Tempest for the French magazine, Le Fana. This they would develop into ‘The Typhoon and Tempest Story’, published in 1986 and would later follow with four volumes of ‘2nd Tactical Air Force’. Chris also authored three Osprey monographs and a string of articles in all the major British and French historical aviation magazines.
Publisher: Wingleader
Title Release: February 2024

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