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MiGs Over North Vietnam: The Vietnam Peoples Air Force in Combat 1965 - 1975

MiGs Over North Vietnam: The Vietnam Peoples Air Force in Combat 1965 - 1975

ISBN: 9781902109053

Author: Roger Boniface

Price: AUD $61.95
RRP: AUD $79.95
Until now, the day-to-day working and opinions of the Vietnamese People's Air Force (VPAF) has remained relatively unknown. For the first time, this book focuses on Vietnamese pilots' first-hand accounts and descriptions of key operations, aerial engagements, and tactics, challenging previous U.S. military documentation. This is the first comparison of Vietnamese data and American claims. Covers the Black Friday Massacre and Christmas bombings, and includes a complete list of losses and 24 color profiles of rare aircraft.
Book Title: MiGs Over North Vietnam: The Vietnam Peoples Air Force in Combat 1965 - 1975
Author: Roger Boniface
ISBN: 9781902109053
Condition: NEW

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