Aviation Books > Russian Airliners Outside Russia

Russian Airliners Outside Russia

Russian Airliners Outside Russia

ISBN: 9781857802528

Author: Yefim Gordon

Publisher: Midland

Price: AUD $38.95
RRP: AUD $59.95
In his latest all-colour album to feature Russian civil aviation, the author turns his attention to the great variety of Soviet and Russian built civilian aircraft which were supplied to the export market. The book explores both those aircraft built before the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as those that have come to dominate Russian sales overseas in the past decade. Alongside the super photographic content, the book also includes highly detailed captions making it a useful reference source for all civil aviation enthusiasts and modellers.
Book Title: Russian Airliners Outside Russia
Author: Yefim Gordon
ISBN: 9781857802528
Publisher: Midland

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