Wellington MkI/IA: Wingleader Photo Archive 35 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

Wellington MkI/IA: Wingleader Photo Archive 35 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)

ISBN: 9781908757470

Author: Peter Allam

Publisher: Wing Leader

Format: Paperback

Price: AUD $39.95
RRP: AUD $49.95

As many of you will know, we at Wingleader have been purchasing original photo collections for over thirty years, which of course helps us to produce this outstanding series of books. If you were to ask us which RAF aircraft appears the most in these collections, there’s a clear winner, the Vickers Wellington. Every collection seems to have hundreds of them!

Of course, it was a very advanced and photogenic aircraft of its time, (replacing the antiquated Heyford and other biplanes), and it entered service just as the Press took a renewed interest in the Armed Forces as the country prepared for war.  Another important factor, not widely known, is that the Wellington was the third most produced RAF aircraft in history, with nearly 11,500 examples being built.

With all this in mind, we decided to give the old Wimpy the coverage it deserves, so this first book just covers the very early examples, the Mk.I and Mk.Ia, with plenty more to follow!

As usual, we asked our Bomber Command expert Peter Allam to take on this classic bomber and he has done a cracking job on uncovering some fine details and quirks of these early Mks, including the ‘SCI’ and ‘DWI’ ops.

We hope you enjoy this one and keep space on your shelves for a few more Wimpy books to come!

Book Title: Wellington MkI/IA: Wingleader Photo Archive 35 (sent 2 - 3 weeks from ordering)
Author: Peter Allam
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781908757470
About the Author: As the son of a wartime Lancaster pilot and growing up in a house full of Lancaster books, it was perhaps inevitable that Peter Allam would come to share his father’s love of Roy Chadwick’s masterpiece. Over the years he has carried out a variety of different historical aviation research projects, and was also a researcher and archivist at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. In addition to carrying out in-depth research on the Lancaster over the last 40 years, Peter has also authored a variety of articles on WW2 aviation subjects for various journals, including the membership magazines of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum and Vintage Wings of Canada. In the early 1980s Peter began a career as an aircraft engineer and has worked on most of the larger transport jets, with the occasional diversion into WW2 fighters and light aviation. Born and raised in Surrey, UK, for the last 15 years Peter has called Ontario, Canada his home.
Publisher: Wing Leader
Title Release: January 2025

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