Railway Atlas: Great Britain & Ireland Vol 16 (Delayed - Due March))

Railway Atlas: Great Britain & Ireland Vol 16 (Delayed - Due March))

ISBN: 9781800352872

Author: Joe Brown

Publisher: Crecy

Format: Hardback

Price: AUD $37.95
RRP: AUD $49.95

The Rail Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland was first published in 1977, and 2024 will see the release of its 16th edition, proof indeed that the Atlas is one of the most successful and sought after railway titles ever published. With the sad death of its creator, Stuart Baker, in 2020 we have been very fortunate that leading railway cartographer, Joe Brown, agreed to take on the arduous task of editing and updating the Atlas and maintaining the high standards of accuracy always achieved by its creator. Rail Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland remains the most accurate, reliable and up to date guide to the current railway network in the British Isles. Lines open to all traffic and those used by freight only are differentiated, as are single track sections. The maps also show preserved lines, freight terminals, LRT schemes, passenger stations, lines under construction and proposed lines. This new edition as always has been fully revised and updated while retaining the convenient format established in previous editions. The mapping on each page overlaps with that on adjoining pages to make it easier to follow a long-distance route. Where appropriate, additional detailed inset maps have been drawn to show the complex railway geography of metropolitan areas such as London and Manchester. With a new and hugely accomplished cartographer at the helm, The Rail Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland will continue to be the essential work of reference for both railway enthusiasts and those working throughout the railway industry.

Book Title: Railway Atlas: Great Britain & Ireland Vol 16 (Delayed - Due March))
Author: Joe Brown
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9781800352872
Publisher: Crecy
Title Release: September 2024

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